Book of Short Stories, By Fifth Grade Pupils

A Book Of Short Stories page 42

In the Valley

Joel Wofford

One evening, as I walked along a country road, I heard strange music. I followed the sound. To my surprise, I found a group of tiny men dressed in green jackets and red caps trimmed with white feathers. They had planted a thorn tree and were dancing gaily around it. They seemed very happy. A silver crescent hung low in the sky. Dark pines stood like sentinels guarding the entrance to this magic gen. Suddenly one of the elves spied me sitting on the hill and said, "He will make a fine boy to do our work." As they rushed toward me I cried, "Mother! Fathers! Save me from these little fellows." At that moment, I felt my mother shake me and heard her toll me to get up. She laughed as I told her about my experience in Dreamland.

Joel Wofford

School No. 75