Book of Short Stories, By Fifth Grade Pupils

A Book Of Short Stories page 5-8

Little Owl Golf Course

Robert Schmerbach

One day last summer my sister and I planned to make a golf course. We took our wagon and went down to the dumps for some broken bricks. When we got back we made a horseshoe with the bricks. We found a toddy can and dug a hole to put it in. This was called hole number one. There were several of our playmates who asked if they could help make the rest of the golf course. Our new helpers got their wagon to get more bricks from the dumps. Then we had enough bricks to make eight more holes. Of course we needed to have some more cans. My sister go busy looking fro them while we finished the rest. Now that it was finished we decided to divide all the money we got.

After working hard we all looked pretty dirty. We went home to get cleaned up. First think I knew my pals were calling me. We decided to call it "Little Owl Golf Course", and charge three cents a round or two for a nickel. One of the boys said, "I will make two signs." On the signs he painted in colors, "Little Owl Golf Course", with an arrow pointing through it saying, "Three cents a round, two rounds for a nickel." One sign was tacked on the billboards on Walden Avenue west of the D.L.W.. The other was tacked on our tree.

Of course we had only three sticks and two balls to start with.

We had quite a few customers that night. It was getting dark and the people could not see the holes in the dark. I went in and got my father's lantern from the cellar. Three or four other boys got their lanterns out because customers were coming fast. With more light business picked up. so many grown ups and children came to look on they interfered with the players. We had to borrow a washline from the lady next door. We stung it up so no one would interfere with the players. Then one of the boys' father said if my father would let us string lights from our garage he would supply the extension cord. Mother said, "Yes." It didn't take long and up went the lights. It was now daylight at the golf course. We even had reserved seats for our guests. One of tour seats was donated. It was a discarded cot bed. The other two were auto seats we found in the dumps. If it happened that we goat a guest with a white gown we brought out chairs from the kitchen.

As business picked up we bought more sticks and balls. We also decided to whitewash our golf course. Mother gave us the whitewash, but we had to hunt for the brushes. Between seven of us we found two brushes. One of the brushes was two inches wide. The other was an inch wide. We all took turns in whitewashing our golf course. My sister wanted to get done in a hurry. This is how she did it. She would pickup up brick by brick and dip them in the whitewash. She finished before we did with our brushes. However she was whitewash from head to foot. That night it happened that Uncle Jack and his wife came to play golf. I suppose you all know him. He speaks over the radio to the children sunday afternoon from W.E.B.R. He liked our golf course so well he gave us numbers to number our holes.

He announced our golf course over the radio. He said, "Children over 80 years of age admitted free."

Our business continued until the cold weather started. When we finished we had earned nineteen dollars. We divided the money. I am saving mine for a rainy day. We stored the bricks and the stove pipes in our garage, so we will have them next summer. It's no fun looking for bricks in the dumps. We will open again in the spring. Be sure to come. It is located behind my home at 37 Wagner Place.

Robert Schmerbach

School No. 64