Book of Short Stories, By Fifth Grade Pupils

A Book Of Short Stories page 36

My Trip to the Thousand Islands

Donal Naegely

Last summer I went to the Thousand Islands. We started in the morning. The first city we came to was Rochester. Next came Syracuse, Oswego and Watertown. We stayed at a tourist's camp on the banks of the St. Lawrence River.

The next morning we took a boat trip to see the islands. We rode about sixteen miles in and out among them. Most of the islands have beautiful homes surrounded by lovely flower beds that reach to the water's edge. There are eight or nine islands joined together by bridges. These are all owned by one man and they are called "Little Venice". We saw the shortest international bridge in the world which connects two islands, one in the United States and the other in Canada territory.

We next stopped at Hart Island, which has a large castle on it. The castle is unfinished because the owner's wife died while it was being built. The rooms in the castle are very large and have beautiful ceilings. There is much marble and fine lumber standing unused in this house. On the island, also, is a children's play house, which is like the big castle.

Some of the islands are so small that the cottages entirely cover them. All the people on the islands have boat houses instead of garages and drive a motor boat to town for supplies.

Altogether is [sic] was an interesting trip and I enjoyed it much.

Donal Naegely

School No. 61